Myth-busting grade boundaries

Myth-busting grade boundaries

There are lots of myths and misconceptions about grade boundaries. Here we bust some of the most common of these – just click on the cards to reveal the truth.

Truth: Grade boundaries can change each year due to question papers, mark schemes and student cohorts changing each year.

Truth: Grades aren’t a set percentage. There are variables each year such as question papers, mark schemes and student cohorts.

Truth: We can’t decide grade boundaries until we have seen how students have performed in the exams.

Truth: Petitions aren’t taken into account when deciding grade boundaries. Decisions are based on students’ performance and the statistics.

Truth: Grades are decided by statistical evidence (how students have performed) and by examiners’ judgement (on student papers from this year).

Truth: The only grades decided are A-level E and A, and GCSE 1, 4 and 7. Grades in between are calculated and set evenly.

Truth: Overall grade boundaries and notional boundaries for each paper are both included on the results day grade boundaries document.

Truth: Grade boundaries can move by any percentage, but movements tend to be small because examiners aim to write papers of the same difficulty each year.